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Val Kilmer is fucking cool
02.04.2005 - 6:30 pm

My creepers are finally broken in, and it's nice. They are quite comfortable. I'm really tired and today I have been in an interesting mood. I've been anxious and impatient. Even as I write this... I don;t want to write it, I'm sick of everything. I just want to stop. I feel so lazy... and bored. Stressed too. I think the stress comes from not having anything to stress. Doesn't that suck? I stress becuase I think I should be stressing about something. Blah. Oh well. I have a lot of work to do and i meant to do some tonight, but... i'm lazy. Ah well. I'm so tired too. Why? I gave blood today... but i doubt it would make me this tired. I was actually successful in giving this time. The last two times have been difficult for some reason. But I'm happy. Except when I took the bandage off 5 hrs later, the hole was still bleeding. Yeeeaahh. I guess they use 16 gage needle... hmm my nose. anyway. it was cool and i got snacks and a juice. That's always the best part. I also got a bunch of beads and some hemp shipped to me today and the movie Willow. I AM HAPPY. I love this movie and I'm about to make a phatty necklace. Val Kilmer fucking rocks. I've alwyas liked him and of course had a mad crush on him when i was a kid.... especially seeing Top Gun and Willow. Anyway, I've been reading a biography on him and reading Trivia. He's only married once, but got a divorce. To that chick in Willow and he has two kids, one 12 and the other 9. And he's a Led Zeppelin fan... annnd he's hot... oh wait that's not Trivia. What else. I dunno. All the shit I read about him I liked. He's so rad. He's only two years younger than my dad... I'd still do him... jeez, that makes him what? 45 years old? Yeah I'd do him. And with a name like Val. Who has a name like that? That's pretty cool.

I had a guy come up to me in Waikiki yesterday... what was I doing there? Oh yeah, i was chillin on the beach reading a book. But on my way back Downtown to go to class, I passed this guy and I saw him smiling real big and he said "eh, nice dreads sistah." He was a white guy, but you could tell he's lived on the island his whole life. He probably hasn't spoken proper English in years... just pigeon, becuase after I said thank you and went along my way, he caught up with me and started chatting. He was really realy nice and not one of those creepy old guys i come across every now and then. He was cool. Anyway, he had a lot of trouble talking to me. He probably figured that I wasn't familiar with too much pigeon but he only spoke it, so when he had to think of the English word for what he was saying, it was hard for him and he stuttered and messed things up a lot. But I got the just of it. I especially liekd when he tried catching up with me, all I heard from behind was "eh sistah! Sistah Dread! Eh!" haha. Sistah Dread.I like that. =)

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