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Annnnnnd I was just made aware of more crap
03.11.2005 - 12:02 pm

more crap i hafta do. I have two more papers to think about for my Humanities class. One in particular due in a week or two. mother HELL. the humanities ones are harder to BS. Usually I pull 'A' papers, but it's only becuase I slip in humor and a lot of bullshit that teachers fall for. This one, however, a little harder becuase I don't know how to BS "the effects of 'globalization' in the story of blah blah blah we read." Globalization and Authenticity. Uhhh what? I can BS my way through "Is email a good thing or a bad thing" with a lot of personal opinion, some made up statistics, throw in a few in-text citations i made up that I know no one will check... etc etc etc etc. But... the affects of globalization? How do you BS that? It's more scientific and the professor sure as hell knows a lot about it, so I can't exactly pull the wool over his eyes.

I got a 'B' on my last paper =(

WAIT. fortunately, i CAN BS the tests. I don;t know HOW, but the last test we had, I thought I failed and I got a B for some reason. Sooooo yeah. B in the class. B in the class. ::crosses fingers:: B in the class.

yesterday - tomorrow