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What I need to do by Monday
03.10.2005 - 3:31 pm

Ok, to help me keep track of all the shit I need to do, I wrote it on my hand. But I think it would be helpful to write in here, too, yanno... in case it rains or something.


  • ·call more apartments (just in case)

  • ·type my paper for WRI1200 by 2pm

  • ·do online chemistry assignment by 12am


  • ·more apartment stuff -- either with new apartments, or with currently awaiting apartments

  • ·start research and/or typing of research paper for WRI1200

  • ·try to finish chem lab

Yeah, so it doesn't seem like a lot. But there are hurdles to jump over, for instance:
-Friday I have 3 classes:

  • ·Hum 4500: 8:35 - 9:30 am

  • ·Chem II: 12:50 - 1:55 pm

  • ·Wri 1200: 2:00 - 2:55 pm

� considering it takes me 30 minutes to get back to the dorms, and I leave to go to class at 12:30 pm, that leaves me with a lovely 2� hours to type a 4 page unfinished paper, includng an outline and a works cited page.
� during that lovely 2� hours, I also need to call apartment places.

And then on the weekend, there are always parties and things going on at the dorms. Who knows what the weather will be like.
ALSO, this fucking research paper, which was JUST given to us on yesterday is due two weeks from tomorrow. It's a five page paper worth 15% of my grade. THANK YOU PROFESSOR BUCKLEY for unloading an impossible amount of work on us. THANK YOU. jesus fucking christ.

yesterday - tomorrow