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Damn I'm cool
05.04.2005 - 8:08 am

Ok so I was sitting on the bus coming to school this morning and I just realized I' mthe coolest person i nthe world. I don't know if it's the music that makes me so giddy but damn, I feel great.

I was just thinking about my situation. It was sparked by watching this young(er) kid get off the bus. He got on in Kailua like myself and got off a few stops before me. And I've seen him before.. and get off at the same stop. And then, being me, I started thinking about his life... wondering where he was coming from and really wondering where he was going. He looks like he should be in school but Nu'uanu is a long way to go to school... and I don't even know where a school IS around where he got off the bus. So then I was thinking about his home life and maybe he has to go to his friend's house and carpool or something. I don't know, I just started thinking random thoughts because of this kid. Like, how interesting it was that he was so young and on a bus... alone... going kinda far. And then I started thinking about myself. I'm pretty young. I'm on a bus alone. I have traveled a LONG fucking way. Damn, I am so cool. Because I was thinking how it's really "nothing." Like.... I don't ever think about being 3000 miles away from my parents. I don't ever think about what I'm doing, where I'm going. All the accomplishments I've done. So I started thinkin about it. And damn, I am cool. I was 17 when I moved out of my house and traveled 3000 miles by myself to NOT live in the dorms but find my own goddamned residence with NO references and NO idea what I was doing. I'm going to school. I get on a bus BY MYSELF every day. Sometimes in the middle of the night. Never would I do that in California. Here... it's ok. That kid does it. I see so many young (YOUNG) kids every day, by themselves, on busses. It's fucking rad. I love Hawaii.

So anyway. I feel really damn cool because I'm completely on my own and completely independant, supporting only myself. I have the resources. I have the intelligence and I have the mentality. And DAMN, I am cool. Shit. I love myself today. What a great feeling. This definitely doesn't happen often. So what will I do about it?

DANCE ALL AROUND NUKKA! Because I wunna. ::guitar riff:: WOO YEAH

yesterday - tomorrow