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I need a Day Off
06.15.2005 - 12:41 pm

I'm obsessed with my newly bought Adam Ant cd. I listen to it non stop and it's so great. A lot of the songs make me think of Marjhani and hanging out at her house. I can't wait until PUNK RAQS! That shit is gonna be great. And I found what I'm gonna wear too. Little bit o' tribal bohemian style with acut up D.I.Y. shirt and some pins and some shells and my creeps and have gothy/punk/middle eastern look. So awesome. I've been i nthe same clohtes for like 3 days and I need a shower and I need sleep. And damn.

Zac is leaving this week. I'm contemplating whether to visit him in S.D. before he leaves but I have no clue. Uhm hmm. Whatever.

What else is goin on? I'm too tired to think. I stayed up and watched the sunrise two days ago. I went to Billy's* to give him his birthday present and then we (me, Billy and Stephanie) ended up going over to Jeff's*. I had a good conversation with Jeff for a few hours about Star Wars. Lol. I love Jeff to death. Anyway, I took Billy home at 4:45am and then I drove out to the rocks at 5am and watched the sunrise. And I was jumping around the rocks and then I layed on the hood of my car and turned on my Adam Ant cd and it was awesome. I went home passed the fuck out and woke up to watch Star Wars and then went back to sleep. Woke up and Mary had called so I went over to Starbucks and saw Jerry, Jimmy, Jimmy's g/f, Katherine, Val, Julie, and I swear there were other people there. Oh yeah, Thomas, Billy, and Lyle's asian girlfriend showed up. It was cool. People stared at me because I was in my gypsy garb with dreadlocks and shells hanging from my hair. What? Lol. People make me laugh.

Anyway, I spent the night at Mary and Katherine's and then I hung out with Mary today. And now I Want a nap. God damn.

yesterday - tomorrow