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week-long needed update. Punk Raqs!
06.27.2005 - 7:32 am

i was going to write my usual thouroughly long entries about the shit that's gone on but i'm too damn lazy. here's the short version:

Sunday 6/19: Me and my dad went to see Star Wars, but sold out, saw MAdagascar. Dawn, Liea, and Walt pick me up at 8 to go to Mammoth. We drink beer the whole way up there, get there at 1am, do not stop drinking until 2pm the following day, never go to sleep until the next night. So that was all of Monday. Tuesday morning I am sick as a fucking dog and it sucked. We left Mammoth at 4pm. Got home at 8:30. Wednesday I stay home and rest because I'm still feeling like shit.

Thursday: Zac told me he'd be home Monday - Thursday before he went off to Rainbow, so Thursday, sick or not, I was detrmined to see him. Called him right when I woke up and within a half hour I was out the door. Get to San Clemente and hung out with him, Brandon and Brandon's g/f Candice. Candice had gotten weird a few weeks back becuase I was hanging out with Zac and Brandon and she wasn't there and she didn;t know me, and yadda yadda being a typical girl, right? Well we meet up and when she leaves, the boys tell me she wants to get with me because "she's never kissed a girl and she's really attracted towards you..." blah blah blah. Gawd, guys. Well we never hook up, though Candice is very cute and I wouldn't have minded one bit.

That night me and Zac went to Dawn's and hung out with her goonies and everyone seemed to like Zac which made me very happy because I didn't know if they would. Zac's a little unorthidox and kinda has a "I'm a snotty little richboy" attitude at times. But he was good and we had a good time. I took him to the busstop at like 7am and when he left he said he didn't want to leave me. He'll be back for like a week before I go to Hawaii, so we'll hang out.

Friday: I head home and on the way I call Marjhani's cell because I was determined to hang out with her that week but my cold fucked things up. It was about 5ish and I just went to her house to see if she was home. She was and SOOO happy I showed up. She went with her friend to smoke weed real quick while I watched the kids and he daughter Zoe had a stomach flu, poor kid. Well when she got home, she vented to me about all the shit that went on that week. Aw. Then she told me because her husband Kelly got off work so late and her friend Steve was coming over who also got off work late and was bringing his new girlfriend, we were going to have a midnight BBQ. omg. We didn't start eating until about 2am and it was about 4am before we got done with dessert (that I made btw). I got home arund 4:45 and passed the FUCK out. I told Marjhani that I would come over Saturday night and spend then night so we could go to Punk Raqs early and help set up (a free ticket in). So we went and all day Marie was feeling like crap. We thought it was nerves, but she ended up getting Zoe's bug. Well Punk Raqs was SOOO much fun. There was a lot of riskay performances and it was so hot. Marie danced GREAT but she didn't feel like it. I always think Marie looks good. She's such a beautiful person and she dances so well, it's awesome. I love being around her and kelly and I love their kids and their house. It's just so awesome. Such beautiful people.

So right after it all ended around 7pm and we're packing up, I see Marie make a B-line to the bathroom. I followed her in and yeah she puked everywhere. I helped her out as best I could. We got home quickly and she puked s'more and was feeling all around shitty. I planned on going home right away because I wanted to see my dad since he didn't come to PunkRaqs like I thought. But I eneded up stayng until Midnight talking with Marie about her 8 year old Ian and all the stuff that's gone on and it turns out Ian is a great deal like me; he's very much beyond his years becuase he grew up being treated much older. Anyway, Kelly and her never want me to leave so it's always so difficult to go when I need to. I don;t mind though, it's a very comfortable environment and I love them to death. I was so touched when Marie told me inthe car that between me and Tammy, she could have just us two as the only friends in her life and she'd be satisfied. I started thinking about that on my way home and I just got kind of sentimental thinking about going home to Hawaii. I really don;t want to leave and I'm not sure what will happen. I guess to another great year at the Renaissance Faire

yesterday - tomorrow