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Mr. Psychic Man at the Cafe
11.10.2005 - 6:46 pm

I met the coolest guy at work today. He asked me random questions out of nowhere and they were all about my past and they were all true. Like he looked at me and was like "have you ever been in a car accident in Dalls?" And I said "no" but he knew I was lying cuz he kept asking me about it over the course of an hour or so. "Are you sure? Even if you weren't driving. A fender bender? With some older man driving?" Every few minutes he'd say "I can't get that accident out of my head. Are you sure?" And the truth was my uncle was driving me and my step-dad and we got into a fender bender. He was also inquiring about one with an older woman. It was minor. And they way he described it sounded exactly like the fender bender I got into when my mom let me drive home from Dawn's house in our big huge truck. He even said it was a huge vehicle. And then he asked about Dawn and her brother. And asked about gawd a whole bunch of shit. He basically knew bits and pieces of my past that he couldn't possibly know. It was weird. I loved every second of it. I can't wait to see him again. I wanted to hug him. He was so damn cool.

I'm also very stressed out about my job, but I don't have time to get into it right now. That'll be saved for another huge entry.

I get to go to California in a few hours. I'm so excited.

I can't wait to talk to my dad about everything. I love talking to him in person.

I get to see Robbie. And lick his face. His new pictures. Fuck. Hot. I haven;t been able to sit still all day. Stressed, anxious and extremely excited and nervous at the same time. Fuck. I'm so fucking excited. shit.

OK. I'm done. I'm gonna leave my house in little less than an hour. Do I have everything? I hope I don't forget stupid shit. Like underwear. That would suck.

I hope I catch the Adicts.

I love.

I love.

I love.

My life.

yesterday - tomorrow