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Weekend in Vegas
11.14.2005 - 3:32 pm

It was so good to see Robbie. It was more than good. There isn't a word to describe how great it was to see him. I just.... I'm at a loss for words. I love everything about him. The way he thinks. What he thinks about. His personality. His temperment. His attitude. His humor. I love touching him. I love kissing him. I love talking to him. I especially love listening to him. This weekend was friggin nice!

His parents are some of the greatest people i've ever met. Honestly, they are amazing people. My dad would absolutely love them. They are such good-hearted people and very intelligent and witty. I find myself to be a lot like Robbie's mom. I admire her strength and willfullness, as I also see those qualities in myself. She's great to talk to, especially since we see eye to eye on so many subjects, all of which we discussed I feel very passionate about. I loved that right from the get-go I felt so comfortable in his house. I wasn't sure what his parents would be like, but I really lucked out. There are just some types of people that my humor doesn't rub well with or my opinionated nature, or outspokenness and brutal honesty. Notttt a problem here. Things clicked and I was very greatful. Though lately my English has been so awkward and it's been difficult for me to come up with the right words to explain myself. I noticed I would stutter at times, and I'm not sure what the problem is. And it definitely wasn't because i was nervous or anything because, for one, i felt very comfortable, and two, the same thing was happening when I'd talk with my dad too. So. Maybe I've been killing braincells without realizing it. Blah.

When I first got there, Robbie knew I was tired, so we just kinda chilled a bit and Robbie kept trying to coax me into sleeping. I was way too excited for such nonsense. But I did get a little shut-eye before he said he wanted to see his friend "J-sin" at Best Buy. I wanted to get a flippin tape adapter anyway since I didn't have one in the car for the ride over (thank god for oldies but goodies). Well Jason wasn't working, but Robbie knew where he lived so we stopped by. My oh my, I hope to see this Jason guy again, he was seriously one of the funniest goddamned people I've ever met. Jesus Christ. It was so entertaining to hear Robbie and this guy talk. I had fun over there checking out pictures of when he was in Europe. We all talked about our experiences in Germany and ahhhhh I friggin love that place. After J-sin's we ate and then went back to Robbie's and hung out. Gooood times.

The next day we woke up pretty early and got ready to go to breakfast with Robbie's parents. I felt bad because I really didn't eat a whole lot. I've been going through my "eat nothing for a week" stage... but it was still a badass Mexican restaurant and I had fun picking up on words when Robbie's mom and the waitress were conversing. I want to be a linguist.

Afterwards, me and Robbie took the truck and planned on going to the strip and walking around. Instead we stopped by the movies to see what was playing. I really wanted to see Corpse BRide, but it wasn't playing for two more hours. So i decided to show RObbie the Dane Cook cds I had and we laughed our asses off until the movie started. I knew he'd love that shit. Especially the kids' names, omgah.

Movie was awwesome. Went back to Robbie's and chilled until we thought it'd be a good time to call Jason, since we planned on going out that night and staying at New York New York. Jason didn't answer, but we went to the strip anyway and walked around the M&M factory a bit. It was pretty cool inside. Lotta... crap. Lol. Interesting facts, but so much.... crap. Although I was pretty partial to a despenser thing. Next door was the Coca Cola place and I found a cool shot glass that was two bucks, so I said "Hell yeah nigga." Then we got cokes in those old school-looking bottles and sat and talked. Robbie started not feeling well (his whole family was down with a cold) so he asked if it was alright that we went back to his place and not hang out with Jason. He felt bad that he wasn't up for doing a whole lot but I reassured him that all I was concerned with was seeing HIM. I mean, shit, I have family in Vegas, I used to go there like every other week. Nothing new, I could care less where we go or what we do... I just wanted to spend as much time as possible hanging out with Robbie.

I did spend all the time I could get... because the next day, I had originally planned on leaving between 9am and 12pm.... I wanted to talk with my uncle Greg, wanted to call Stevo, wanted to see his brother Greg, realllly wanted to see Erica and Chris since they got hitched the day before and most importantly, I wanted to see the Adicts with Terri Fairy and catch Marjhani and Kelly on the way back. Yeah, uh none of that happened since i didn't leave until 5pm. Uhh whoops. And I was so dumb. I got so friggin sad to leave that tears totally caught me by surprise and my eyes started to water. I realllllllly did not want to cry in front of robbie. What am I, some kind of pansy? So I started blinking real hard and opening my eyes wide and tried adverting his attention, but he totally caught me. And because he caught me, all the sudden I couldn't hold them back anymore. But also, him catching me allowed me to feel better and I just started laughing at my idiocy. I think maybe it turned out for the better, or I probably would have just cried the whole way home. I didn't know I could get that sad leaving someone. The only other time that's happened was when Billy left me and moved back to the mainland. Even then I didn't plan on crying, and then it sneeks up on you like a little bitch. So, I dried my eyes and began giggling like a little girl again... feeling a whole lot better but still crushed inside.

I knew I had to go, but it was the hardest thing to pick my feet up and walk to the door. I put my stuff in my car and came back in to tell his parents good bye and thank you. Man, i'm going to miss them. When Robbie was going to walk me out, he asked if I got everything and when I said "Well, no, but I can't really do much about that, can I?" he gave me a look that gave me butterflies and pulled me closed and kissed me hard. I was really happy he knew what I meant by that. We were out by my car and talking and kissing and and everything got kind of serious, not in a bad way, but a kind of sullen way. We were both thinking about when we'd see eachother next. I think it'd be kinda cool if he was still in town mid December so maybe I could fly out the day school is over and see him before he goes back to Japan. Fuck, I'm so sad I can't go to Japan. One day.

So we finally said our good byes, he walked back to the house and I made my giddy journey back home. I was listening to my music, but really I didn't hear anything. Almost 5 hours to get home, and I barely sang a lyric or bobbed my head. Instead I bit my nails off and reenacted the past weekend in my head.

When I got home, I called Robbie to tell him I was finally home and we chatted before I kicked him off to go eat dinner with my dad. We went out to Olive Garden and talked there for two hours until we were getting kicked out since it was closing. I barely ate anything, which sucked because I was leaving the next day and couldn't take it with me. Stoopid. At least I got some good Del Taco while I was in town.

So my dad is trying to put the picture together of how I know Robbie and he seemed pleased that I was so excited and giddy and happy and, well, twitterpated. I told my dad how much he would love Robbie's parents and my dad really wants to meet them... annd Robbie of course. We had a really good talk... like always... and about everything in the world... like always. I love talking to my dad.

Then at home I saw my dad had bought Sin City, so I watched it and ended up going to sleep at like 2am... when I had to wake up at 5:30 to leave at 6 to get to the airport on time. I ended up getting there minutes before the plane left. It was a good flight. I got hoe around 1pm and had enough time to drop my shit at home and get ready for work. My boss Ken called me and asked if I had fun with my 7-foot-tall-tatted-from-head-to-foot-Navy boy. Lol. I love Ken. And he said he'd see me tomorrow morning so I could tell him the details of my weekend. Lol.

So now I'm at work. I wish I would've taken more pictures, but alas, here are the few I took:

yesterday - tomorrow