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Mammoth and Wet Dreams
01.02.2006 - 4:42 pm

Went to Mammoth on Wednesday night. It was pretty cool. I was pessimistic going up there since I don't have any money and neither does my dad. But Dawn said she'd give me gas money to see her on New Years, so I decided to go. Took about 4.5 hours to get up there and by the time I got to Dawn's boyfriend's casa I was pretty tired. But in actuality I really enjoy driving long distances, if only to listen to good music as loud as I want. Yeah, yanno, I think I'd rather drive all day by myself with good music than all day with someone and good conversation. Maybe if I was the passenger, I'd rather have good conversation, but I don't really like talking much when I'm driving. I think it's because I'm pretty animated when I talk and I like to use my hands a lot and I really like looking at people when they talk to me. Can't do that when driving. So yeah, I was in no rush. I got to listen to good shit (mostly Fugazi ^_^).

About halfway there my phone cut out and I didn't get service the rest of the time. I was hoping Robbie would call, and he did, but I didn't find out until I heard my voicemails on the drive back.

So i met Dawn's beau finally. Andrew. He was really cool. I enjoyed his sense of humour emensely. He and his roomates were really awesome. I liked Matt a lot, and I liked Phil A LOT. Phil was just really loud and obnoxious and those are usually my favorite people. Dylan was really cool too, when he talked to me. I didn't see or talk to Chad much, but he seems really nice and so was his girlfriend Lauren. Who else. Adam was fun. And I met some other people like Courtney and Amy and Lani and some other broads. It was good to see some other homies I met over summer too, like Omar, Aaron, Jared, Walt and Matt.

The day after I got there, Dawn tried getting me to board with her but I didn't wanna go. I really wanted to drive around and take cool pictures. So I drove Andrew, Dawn, and PD to June Mtn and then I drove around for two hours, parking in random places to go hike and what not. I got good pictures. Then we went ice skating on a big patch of ice I discovered and after that we went back to Andrew's and ate food.

Dawn had to work the day after that and I stuck around ANdrew's and watched movies with Phil. It turned into a damn blizzard that day. That night was New Year's Eve I think. We ended up going to a semi stupid party but I knew some people there and ended up having a really good time. After the countdown we left and I ended up not going to sleep till almost 5am... on the FLOOR. Oh well, Walt and Lynda needed the couch more than I.

The next day I left around 3:30pm and came home. Drove in heavy snow and rain the entire way back. It was kind of stressful. But I got to listen to good music (cough Fugazi cough).

The best part of the trip was sleeping because [I don't know why but] I kept having really VIVID dreams. Psychologists like to wonder if you can dream in color or not. Most people don't. When I'd think back on if I could or not, I could kind of remember color, but I was never sure if my concious was filling in for my subconcious blanks. However, after this trip, I am for certain now that I always dream in color. Never so vividly though, jeez. The first night I had about 3 sex dreams. All lesbian ones, too. My favorite was only a few minutes long it seemed. This really hot chick in a short skirt and small top was talking on the phone. I've never seen her before in RL, so she's some kind of figment of my imagination. Oh she was so hot. Had a garter belt on too. So when she was talking on the phone, I walked over and sat next to her (she was standing) and I was feeling her up. So in the dream, we were seeing eachother, though I get the feeling it was mostly sexual, but I did have romantic feelings for her. So she got off the phone and we started messing around. She was taking my clothes off and I was hiking up her skirt. And then she pulled me up and turned me around and uh yeah, it went on from there. I started waking up a bit and I noticed I was breathing hard and while i was still half asleep I got an orgasm. Yeah it was pretty awesome.

The next night I had a dream about running away from some criminals who wanted to kill me. I was Tomb Raider status though, a real bad ass. A BAMF. It kept jumping around to finally I was in a motor boat hauling ass across some ocean and then we landed in some lagoon and had to kill the motor and canoe it across due to the wildlife or some shit. I remember seeing Platapuses and I was so excited since they're my favorite animal, and I couldn't wait to tell people I got to see one. I was with someone too, a guy I think, but I don't remember what he looked like. Then the criminals were catching up and we gunned the boat out of the lagoon and onto the ocean. We got into another lagoon area and there was a small island with an elephant wading out into the water and sprayed water at us with it's trunk. This dream felt so friggin real. And then we got on the island and the criminals were right on top of us. I ran back and ended up climbing on this elephant and charged them and they tried shooting at me and I was so sad that I was dumb enough to put this beautiful creature in danger. That's when I woke up.

A lot more happened in that dream, but I don't remember a lot of it. I just remember feeling really fucking cool like Lara Croft.

And every night I kept having badass vivid dreams like that. Vibrant colors, cool ass story lines. I was always so happy to go to sleep. "What will tonight bring me?"

Last night, sleeping in my bed, it felt like I hadn't been home for years. I didn't have as cool of a dream as the previous nights. I love good dreams.

yesterday - tomorrow