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Purdy-McKimmons & Sushi
01.25.2006 - 2:34 pm

I had such a fun time last night. Sushi with Erica, Sara, Julie, Adrian, I brought Laura and then there were about 5 other people I met that night. It was pretty fun. Sushi was EXCELLENT as always. And just being in good company. I notice that I really like introducing Laura to people. She's one of those people that's easy to introduce. Like Dawn at times I worry. I'm never sure how people will take her becuase she can get weird bitchy and very quiet. But Laura is awesomely friendly and says funny shit constantly. I'd like to think I'm that way when I meet people. But anyway, I was really happy to have Laura there.

After sushi, we went back to Erica's and Julie brought her hookah and we smoked a bit. Me and laura had a good talk about San Diego and Robbie and I am �BER stoked about upcoming plans on moving down there.

Laura had to leave early, but I hope to have her hang out with me over there more often. Everyone really liked her. But honestly, that's just the kind of people they are. So I hung out and talked to Val mostly about Buddhism and how I've found happiness and how well I'm doing in my life. We had a good talk. And me and Adrian talked about our dreads a bit. His are so long since I last saw him. They look and feel so good too. I've always loved his dreads and he always makes me feel so good about mine. Adrian is the best.

I notice I always feel so comfortable around Erica and Chris and in their apartment. I love those guys so much and all the people that are over there. I feel like I can really be myself and express my humor to its potential without feeling dumb or feeling like they won't get it. Especially Chris, I like talking to him the most. I love that he knows all the old homies too, I think that helps me feel really comfortable because he especially gets it. Very awesome.

So yeah last night was a lot of fun. A lot of laughs, a lot of smiles. A lot of good friends and good conversation. Happy times, happy people. And the hookah.

yesterday - tomorrow