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02.05.2006 - 10:46 am

Ok I've been slacking on this d*land business. I just haven't really felt like writing. Not that interesting things haven't happened, quite the contrary. But writing about it... ah, maybe I'm just lazy.

Well let's see, where to start. A few nights ago... uh Thursday night, I wnet to Erica's house for a surprise party for her mom. It was a lot of fun. I love hanging out with those people. It's so great. I love Erica. I love Chris. I love Sara, Jennifer, Nancy and all the other usual people. Erica's brother Eric even came over. Wow, does HE have a bitchy girlfriend. I never met her, and I always get slightly antsy around Eric due to situations of the past. So I was curious who he was with and soon as she walked in I got bitch vibes. And she seemed all mopey and blah. Actually, she seemed EXACTLY how I was with Billy. Interesting. When I think back on my attitude when hanging out at Jeff's or other parties and get togethers, I was EXACTLY the same as this Lindsay girl. Well I already held no ill will, but now I have even more sympathy for her situation. They don't belong together and I got evil eye all night for talking with Eric a lot. Hmm, hope things work out for them. Eric's a really awesome guy.

The Friday day I ran a whole bunch of errands with my dad. Thursday we did too I guess. I have to do a whole bunch of stuff with my insurance company to renew my liscence. I hope I get it soon because I'm thinking they'll impound my car if I get caught driving without my liscence.

Friday night me and Katherine went to Riverside to see Soda and His Million Piece Band and Hellbound Hayride. We went to solo wear because there was a rockabilly-styled dress I wanted and Katherine ended up getting a similar one. So we dressed the part and headed down the hill. We got there pretty fucking early which I didn't intend, but we had some good talks, so it was alright. Then I saw some of the guys, Ben and Kevin and we said our hellos. Soda was nowhere to be found though and I was worried since I called Kelly and Marjhani earlier to tell them we would be over afterward. So I said if they didn't come on by 11pm, we would just head to their house. Soda finally showed up at 10:30 and played an AWESOME show. We didn't get to see Hellbound Hayride, but it's ok, I see them at Hootenanny every year. So we headed to Marjhani and Kelly's and Reality was there and another friend Michael. They BBQed and we had a nice midnight BBQ. It was all very tastey. Me and Katherine also got molested when walking in -- go figure with how we looked. I love those two so much. Got home around 3am that night. It was a good night.

Then last night Mikey Teal's side project band played with Guttermouth. I wanted to hang out with Thomas and Stevo and Jennifer and Justin, so I decided to go, but none of us wanted to pay since we don't appreciate Guttermouth very much. We finally found a way in, unfortunately it was after Mikey's band, but we decided to stay inside and watch the rest of the bands. Basically a big fucking waste of time since they all got progressively worse. But it was fun talking shit all night. I love Justin. And I love Thomas. And Stevo was being very fucking awesome that night too. I can't help but love that fuck face, even though he gets weird when around girls he likes, lol. Again, molested all night with the dress I was wearing. I loved it, it was halarious. I love my friends.

After the show we walked out on, we went to Sean's house and chilled a bit. Sean is one funny mother fucker. I wish we hung out more.

Then I just went home after that and today I'm going to watch the Holocaust at my aunt's house. Good times. Guacamole.

yesterday - tomorrow