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Pre-Faire Day #1
04.03.2006 - 9:46 am

Me and Stephanie went to the Faire site yesterday. Desiree said she'd be there. We found Justin and he said she had just left Santa Cruz. Yowza. I had just left her a voicemail... hmm.

Well Me and Steph were gonna kill time because Justin said he'd be at the booth after 11 a.m. and it was about 10:45. As we were walking, we saw Marjhani giving her tribe Oojam the grand tour. We walked over and hung out with them the rest of the day. They did some performances. I learned to play the various drum beats. SOOOO AWESOME. I'm going to look into getting a hand drum off ebay in a sec.

So we saw Justin continously throughout the day. We saw Deborah. We went over to check out Nomadia. Justin and some guy and Deborah were sorting through wood. We decided to build a counter. We almost got done, but the drill ran out of juice while we were putting on the legs.

Justin is... uhm... intruiging. We talked a lot yesterday. He said he had a "present" for me. I said wha wha wha? He handed me a book and DVD later and I was uhm blown away because it sounded rriiiggght up my alley. This is after he was talking about a German independant film he thought I'd like. Uhm... duh? Those are my favorite type of movies! How does he know me so well?

Me and Stephanie finally left around 6:30. Stopped by Del Taco cuz we didn't eat much that day. We had a great great great conversation on the way up the hill. I really enjoy talking to Stephanie because she's a lot like Billy (remember all those super awesome can't-get-any-better-than-this conversations we'd have?) only she's a LOT more receptive where Billy's more of... how do I put this... an ASSHOLE.

So yeah. We had a great conversation and oddly enough we talked about the very things that were mentioned in the beginning of the book Justin gave me about CrimethInc. They basically came to the exact same conclusions in almost the exact same words that me and Stephanie came to.

So I really enjoy the book so far. It's exactly the way I think. But I'm thinking that I'm also a step ahead of what the book is suggesting. This makes me feel funny because it wasn't that long ago that I felt books like these were so far beyond my capability. Now this one seems below me? I'm not sure if I feel really cool or kind of intimdated... intimidated by what? Me and Justin have a lot to talk about. I'd like to express my stance on Buddhism. Wow how much I've grown and learned since last I saw him. This faire season will be very interesting and fun. Though I'm kind of itchin to tote Robbie around so that I don't get hassled quite as much. I wonder how that will affect mine and Justin's relationship?

By the by, I wonder if he gave me the book/DVD or loaned it to me. Seems the book has never been opened... so it doesn't seem like his. Hmmm. Intimidation.

yesterday - tomorrow