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Final SD trip
07.08.2006 - 3:05 pm

So let's see what's happened in the past few days. I fele the need to update.

I was in San Diego June 21st thru... July 5th. I didn't intend on staying that long, but Robbie convinced me to stay. I went job hunting. I had an interview at Target, but I don't think I got the job. Now I'm hoping two other places give me a call. That's basically all I did, because the rest of the time in SD, I was sick as hell. I got strep throat the worst it's ever been and now I'm wondering if I should just get my tonsils out. Guh.

So then me and Robbie both drove up together on Wednesday. I took care of what I had to. Then me and Robbie went to my grandma's and she was happy to see us. We told her our plans and she said we could sleep in her bed that night. Sweet.

So we went back to my house before going to the Blood Stands Still show at the Trilogy that night so I could change. We went to Best Buy to see what's up with Josh. Then we went to the U-Haul place to see where it was at. Then we went to the Trilogy and parked. Across the street was this music place called Shinanigans and I guess Robbie's ex Michelle used to teach there, and her dad owns it. So Robbie wanted to see if it was open. I don't think he knew Michelle was going to be there but she was. So we waited till she had a minute and she came over and said hi to us. Then she had to teach her class. It was a dance class and it was fun to watch. At the end of it (Trilogy hadn't opened up yet anyway) she came over and her and Robbie talked about bands and what was going on at the old FLy that night. Then when we left she hugged us both and I really liked that. I thought about her when I drove down Friday. I like her. That's basically all I thought about. Was that I liked her. I don't know how else to put it. Or what it is that I like about her, but I really like her. I like being around her, though Robbie always looks stiff and uncomfortable. In a sadistic way, I enjoy seeing him that way from time to time... don't ask.

So Thursday, Robbie picked up the U-Haul and we went to my grandma's to load up the two couches she gave him as well as whatever we wanted out of her shed, which we took two matresses, a microwave... some plant... and I don't remember what else. Then Robbie was going to go back to SD and I asked him if when I come down on Friday, I could come down permenantly. I think subconciously, that was the plan all along, I just needed verbal confirmation.

So I stayed with my grandma for a bit before she took Eddie to the doctor and I went home to take care of what I had to. She said I could spend the night again, and I said YES because her bed is sooo comfy. I called Stevo and asked him what he was doing today. He said we should chill. So I got a call from him around 7pm and he picked me up to go to Judie's. Me, Judie, Nic, Lyle, and Steve went to a gay club in L.A. that night. Me, Nic, and Judie danced alll night, it was so fun! We didn't get back until 4:30am.

Woke up at 10 on Friday to call Robbie and let him know that me and Steve were in fact not going to see Pirates of the Caribean that night. So I wanted to leave no later than 5pm and get there around 7 but grandma took me shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond (gawd I love that place) and Ross and we got done late. So I ended up leaving around 8pm and got down here at 10pm. I sped right past a cop too and almost shit myself, but he didn't do anything. WHEW.

Me and Robbie went to his friend's going away party, I guess he got out of the Navy. I finally met Dearmmed [?] and he was one funny muther fucker. My favorite of Robbie's navy friends except for Benner. We had fun talking to him that night. Gawd he had me rollin. I hope to see him again soon.

And so yeah, it's Saturday. I've been lazy today. I need to get off my ass. I'm going to Bed Bath & Beyond to take something back for Robbie, and then.... it's too late to do a job hunt, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. But I'll probably do some sewing... I think.

I need to remember to bring my easle down next time I'm up the hill because I want to get some big canvases and paint stuff for the bare walls of the apartment. I got some abstract ideas. Yes.....

yesterday - tomorrow