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R&R does the body/mind good
11.19.2006 - 11:28 am

So me and Robbie just got back from Vegas. We flew, a first for me when going to Vegas, usually we just drive. Anyway, we left Thursday afternoon and got back this morning.

I couldn't tell you how much we both needed this trip. I could especially tell with Robbie because starting the second day he was so much more playful and less stressed out. And I hadn't had that much energy in so long! From the moment we landed I was dancing around, jumping off things and just generally bouncing off the walls. And I always went to bed late and woke up early and never felt tired. Yes, this trip was direly needed.

Being around Robbie's parents was a lot more laid back this time around too. Last time, me and Robbie were still beating around the bush and I felt the pressure of trying to impres them (which I think I succeeded at, but at this point, Robbie's parents are just as skeptical as Robbie when it comes to females because of how many women fucked around with him). But with Mel there and Jorge, it was a lot easier to be myself and goof off and not worry about saying the wring thing or have awkward silence. Mel's better at starting up conversations too, when I'm more about going along with anything you want to talk about.

So Mel was awesome. At first she's a little abrubt with her cold sarcasm, I almost thought she was just in a bad mood when we met, but after a while I got used to her style and learned to deal better. And yeah, I like her and I can see what Jorge likes about her too. They have the same cold humor.

I loved seeing Jorge again too. Our personalities mesh really well and I think we have a lot of fun with eachother horsing around in a different way that me and Robbie usually do.

So the first day we got there we went straight to the Wynn where we were going to see the show Le R�ve. We had some time to kill before Robbie's mom Terry got off work, so the four of us: Robbie, me, Jorge, and Mel decided to see some shows since Mel had never been to Vegas. We saw the new Treasure Island Pirates show. Then we walked around and got back just in time to have some lunch before going into Le R�ve.

LE R�VE IS FREAKIN AMAZING! Holy hell. It was all on water and at points there was platforms to walk on and at other times, people were being dropped from 5 stories high. And the stadium was in a 360 degree seating arrangement with the stage in the middle and there were 3 areas to come from backstage and then a lot of people came out from above. There was nothing but the most awesome acrobatics imaginable, from both men and women of pure freakin muscle. Shit, and the storyline. Very Alice in Wonderland like but with an underlying theme of Carp� Diem. It was beautiful and of course I cried several times because I always get way too overwhelmed with such beauty. (And oh yeah, we were in the second row, no more than maybe 8 or so feet from the pool, we got wet a few times.)

After that we walked to the Bellagio to see the water show and saw the flower garden and blown glass. Always awesome.

The next night we had Thanksgiving asian style. We helped make the eggrolls, it was fun.

Saturday was pretty kickback. And then we got home this morning and I have to study for Astro before I go to work from 4 - 12.

I love going to Vegas. I love seeing Robbie's family but there's always a twinge of jealousy that Robbie got to grow up in that environment. I feel... weird sometimes because I still feel like an outsider. I can't wait to see them more and feel a little more welcome every time and finally be in a nice comfort zone. But for now... I still feel cynical eyes on me.

It was nice to come back [to SD] too. Because I got to leave and rejuvinate, it makes me enjoy this place more and remind myself why I'm here and what I'm doing. I just feel a little more centered again. I miss Vegas, and I didn't want to leave, but a part of me enjoys getting back to my life and routine for a while. I'm glad Rob got some stress off his shoulders too because we're both a little more enjoyable to be around. I'm kind of dreading going to work today but I'm hoping I won't let the stress and pressure get back in my system and I'll chill a little better.

I kind of worry I'll have a shitty Christmas, but I'm trying to be in the present and not let it get to me. We'll see what happens though.

I hope I can go to Marjanhi's for Thanksgiving too. Anyway, time to study and help Robbie around the house...

yesterday - tomorrow