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Finals week blows
12.10.2008 - 12:20 pm

How shitty is it that our tests are curved so that a 30% is passing? Really? You make the tests so that we just need to know 30% of the information and that's good enough? What would Einstein say?! And how shitty is it that the system is set up so that we don't even have time to learn this crap properly! I feel like I could get better scored had I enough time to let this sink in. But I can't even comprehend this crap because we're moving right along to the next subject and now we're taking a test, and omg finals are just around the corner, no they're here! We're already taking the final? Because I'm barely getting a grasp on chapter one finally....

I want to be good at this. I want to understand better. I want to have fun with this and look into things during spare time and hang out with my professors just to chat about things, but there's no time! All I have time for is getting just enough information in my head to pass tests! No wonder Santa Cruz used to not have a grading system, that's so retarded. I hate that I have to spend all my time proving myself to others instead of ACTUALLY learning the material. I can't wait to get a degree and then go back and take classes over again just to enjoy the information that's given. I want to fall in love with learning again instead of just doing what I need to get by. I've become so dead and I hate it!

I hope next quarter is better for me. No distractions with boys or going out all the time. I want to be a physicist. I want to hang out with my professors and have study groups and do research! I want to love my life!

Ok, back to studying....

yesterday - tomorrow