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Subhumans and german women
2003-04-09 - 3:42 p.m.

Alright. I rememebered that I forgot. I forgot to write about Subhumans. It was very good. Oh and I found my ticket (I guess you figured that part out).

So, we get there. Dyana couldn't get in cuz it was sold out. I made her take my shirt because there's no more ins'n'outs....bastards.

Well i'm sitting on the floor and these two guys come sit by me...i mean not BY to me...? right? whatever. So then one of the guys asks who's coming on next, and i tell them Meet the Virus. Welllll, later he asks me for a piece of gum...did not have one. Well thats when we started talking more. And this guy's name was Jeff and i completely forgot his friends name, but they were both cool. So after meet the virus, Enemies comes on. they really really suck. I feel a tug on my hair and there's dyana!!! Yay!! So I introduce my friends and Jeff and her hit it off really well. I was happy, because in between bands, me and Jeff talked A LOT and man, that boy really knows what he's talking about. I don't know, I just thought he was really cool and I'm glad he's my friend. His friend is cool too! ya can't forget that!!

So then I was convinced by Jeff and this **other guy** to go to Adicts this weekend. I really wanted to go LAST weekend...but oh well.


TODAY: Was in the 99cent store....overheard a was in German....I met three German women who just moved here a few years ago....I got a number. I'm happy. Now I will improve on my German. Yahoo.

**other guy** = This guy I met thru dawn while we were at a the Golass House too I think. Well since I met the past 10 shows I've been too I've seen him at, and yeah...thats the story.

**other guy** UPDATE (02/11/04) - His name is Brandon... I found this out (and finally remembered) a little while (few months) ago and was browsing thru old entries....thought I'd get that cleared up. Have fun

yesterday - tomorrow