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Update w/ life
2003-05-31 - 10:21 a.m.

Alright. I haven't written in a looong time. What's happned? I went ot the Ren faire a few times. I took Bryan and Lee....Lee was cool but Bryan was just bored and kinda made me sad.

What else? Uhm. Paulie's childish and i refuse to worry about him 24/7 so i gave up on that, which makes me sad because i think we coulda had something really great.

Me and Bryan had a huge ass talk the night before going to the ren faire, and yeah...i see myself doing the very thing i didn't wanna do...i'm kinda falling for him. He's changed a little bit. i mean, the good parts are the same, but he's changed for the good, and i dunno, he just makes me happy.

Uhh. Went to Youth Brigade last weekend, that shit was pretty fun. I like YB live. i got a work shirt for 5 buck and i think i fell in love with it, and i think Sink With Kalifornija is my new favorite song. i'm slowly becoming obsessed with Youth Brigade....and Jackie Kennedy. We visited with Bryan's family before the show too..and after.

Tried going to Lagwagon last night...was sold out. Me and Bryan think we spent too much time socializing at his mom's house. Oh well, I had fun none-the-less. We went back after we saw the show was sold out, so we basically just chilled with them for like 3 hrs. His little sister Nicole was so freaking hyper...basically "out of control." But I love her. And Brandy. omg. whatever.

I saw David yesterday! I think that was the highlight of my day. I hadn't seen that fool for like a year and 1/2. shit, he got fat. but it's cool. But somehow when i was around him, i felt depressed. Cuz i have this weird empathetic thing and i just felt like david was...sedated. i don't know. i don't think that david's in the right place with his life. he just seems...unusually...mellow? i don't know how to explain it. it just wasn't him. But I enjoyed seeing him.

Soooooo. i think thats all. but if there's more...maybe i'll write. I'm going to see Finding Nemo today. muahahhaa

yesterday - tomorrow