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My cousins ROCK
01.02.2005 - 12:49 am

Yeah, I just got done having a 3 hr conversation with my 10 year old and 13 year old cousins about politics, hippies, punk, environmental studies, and the evils of wal-mart. I LOVE THE WAY THEY THINK. Holy hell. Emily, the 10 year old. She is a thinker. totally about animal rights and what's best for the environment, but she's only 10, so doesn;t know too much about it. But everything I was telling her, she totally got and was all for. She thought she was for Bush until I got through with her baout his little lack of care for the environment and the pollution treaty. But she's a thinker. And then my 13 year old cousin, Rachael... totally came up with something I didn't think of. I was talking to her mostly about Wal-mart because she's a lot like me where she cares about people and wants to help out the human race (this whole Mother Theresa trip) but she's young and naive, so she was telling me how she sees those commercials with the starving kids: "give us a dollar a month" yadda yadda BULLSHIT and how her mom was telling her not to, and she didn;t understand. So I told her all my beef about corporations and how all they do is screw people (or as Emily put it "scam people": so perfect). Anyway, I told Rachael to be careful and she should do some research. I love young kids becuase they're so eager to learn and DO and ACT and they're more willing to stand up for their shit. Except they have a short attention span so who knows what kind of impact it REALLY has on them, they might forget everything by tomorrow. ::sigh:: it was nice talking to them though. Oh yeah, anyway, Rachael, she thought that I should make flyers with pictures of dying kids and some info and stand in front of wal-mart, passing them out and saying "this is what you're producing by shopping here." Oh man. 13 years old. I'm so proud. I didn't get any of that until i was like 16. SO awesome. I hope they stop pledging allegience to the flag and boycott wal-mart. Good kids they are.

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