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Blood is thicker than Water
01.16.2005 - 10:46 pm

I love my family. I love my family more than I love my friends. I guess that's how it should be right? No reaLLY, though. I feel good being back with my family. I wish I could live here with them. Cousin Laurie turns Nanny. Yeah, that would be interesting. I'm sure it would tuen into a situation where "i could only take so much" though. I love it right now, but they are family, and we all know how that works. =) But I love 'em, and I am happy here. It'll be nice going abck home too. I can;t wait too see Jake. And I also can;t wait to hang out with Stephanie. Hopefully I can pull her away from Billy for a few days and just have a girls' night... but... we'll see how that works.

I had a very fulfilling vacation. I came here with some serious (and grim) thoughts and decision-making. Now I'm leaving open-minded, open-hearted, and... a little more whole. I thought a lot about the Stephanie/Billy thing. I thought a lot about my late period. I solved a lot of issues with myself. And I think coming to Texas was a vital part in my experience. Almost like it was meant for me to stay with my family a while. I leanred a lot about myself in the area of dealing with kids. And I think it showed me how prepared I am to have kids (or unprepared, really) and I leanred a little more about what kind of parent I would like to be. I think I've learned many more parenting skills just from BEING AROUND my cousins and having to put up with all their tantrums and spiels. I know a little better how I would like my kids to be brought up. I don't know. Like I said, I think I came here for a purpous. I think I was supposed to be here. It helped me deal with my scare. Only now, it's not so scary. =)

I love my family.

yesterday - tomorrow