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new apartment? just maybe
02.14.2005 - 8:25 pm

I turned in the application I picked up on Thursday. I asked about the lease finally, and it is a six month lease, but I am able to leave early, I just gotta pay all these fines an shit. But I don't mind, because I did the math, and it's worth paying for it at the end than to go through the trouble and stress of looking for another place. I really like it there and I like the people I saw there and the manager is awesome. And it's in a perfect location. I've had enough looking and my dad thinks it's a good idea... or he's at least trusting that I think it's a good idea. So I gave the lady my paperwork and she said I had everything filled out basically. She seems pretty cool too. Anywho, she said she'd give me a call tomorrow. I'm really excited. I hope my dad is able to visit in March too, because I really want him to see it. I've been thinking about that too, him coming out. I'm trying to think of places to go and things for him to see. Yeah, i'm happy. It'd be awesome if other friends decided to come visit too. I was really hoping Dayna and Laura would make it out like they SAID they would, but I know how things are... and money. Yeesh. Gawd, I hope everything works out with this apartment. Man... so stressed... but excited. Wish me luck... or pray... or whatever you believe in. I'm happy. I need to do some homework though. ::sigh::

I'm working on a col drawing. I'd post it, but my printer isn't turning on for some reason. I'm sad. I don't know what's going on with it. It worked fine this morning... I uh... printed stuff. But now, it's off and... wants to stay that way I guess.

I guess Stevo is kinda talking to Laura. I thought I saw an unusually large amount of comments to eachother, but I didn't think much of it. Jeska's kinda upset about it because she wants to be with Steve. I thought Steve still liked her, too, and they were both playing this "best friend" card in public. I know that card... But no, Jeska said he just sees her as a friend. She's kinda heart broken about it. I feel bad. I always want to take care of that girl. I think she's the coolest female I've ever met. She just has some isues with relationships. I try to talk to her, but...we all know that you just gotta experience shit and figure shit out on your own. I remember when I was in a weird stage with guys and... being a whore. Lol. No matter what Mike told me, I knew he was right, but I never listened. I just had to do it on my own. But I'm good now... =)

I need to get started on preparing for Thailand, though. I need to see a counselor real quick. I think I have to have all my shit in by April 1st or something. Man, I gottttta do this. Fo sho.

Oh I miss Robbie. I like talking to him online. I need to get the balls to call him though because he's pretty fun to talk to, even though I'm nervous as all hell every time we talk. He's so sweet and I remember having so much fun with him. I can;t wait to go to California and hang out with him! I want to chill with him every fuckin night. And wrestle and get my ass beat... good ole times. He's so awesome, he makes me giddy. I'm not even looking for anything, I just want to make him have fun and just chill... just be casual. Play around and stuff. Yeahhh. I think that'll be mighty fine. Man, I miss him. i;m excited.

I'm excited and happy about everything.

I'm gonna see what I can do about this critique shit i gotta do.

Lauren out

yesterday - tomorrow