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The dorms are good for somethin
03.05.2005 - 9:18 am

I got shitfaced last night. The kind of shitfaced that is SO bad it usually only happens once a year (well, that is, after I quit drinking). I forget that I'm not an alcoholic anymore and I can't hold my alcohol like I used to. I only had 5 hornsbees and by 1am I was passed out on the bathroom floor. The room was definitely spinning. I puked twice but I'm not one of those dramatic pukers. making all kinda of noise and having people hold my hair back. No, I'm the subtle puker, and most of the time people don't even know I go to puke. Except this time, I was so gone, that because I passed out on the bathroom floor, I was discovered. And being forced to sit up made me nauseas, so I puked in front of Dave. It was ok though. (I ususally don;t like to puke in front of people). He was really good about it though. What a great friend. So he dragged me on the couch, and it would have been ok if the room wasn't spinning so much, but becuase it was, a few minutes later i felt nauseas again, soooo I went and puked. And the bathroom floor just seemed so comfortable. I was discovered again. This time someone had to pee, so I was dragged out of the toilet room and just laid in the rest of the bathroom area. And man, I musta really passed out becuase I didn't budge the whole night. Yanno when you sleep on a really uncomfortable surface, you tend to wake up a lot and move around becuase you're body is telling you to go sleep somehwere else? yeah, that didn't happen to me. I was GONE. And the floor still seemed comfortable when I woke up. Nonetheless, I figured it would be good to transfer to the couch. But the computer screen was blaring in my face. Oh it was 6am by the way, and I was still drunk. Anyway, this computer screen made me kinda sick, so what I do? Not turn around like a sensible person, I just put a blanket over my face, which was too hot and that made me sick. But I said fuck it and tried sleeping without thinking about puke. I woke uparound 8am... felt kinda sick. Knew I needed water soon to avoid hangover day. There was water in the bathroom next to where I was laying down. It was so hard to drink. ANd I was still really dizzy and couldn;t walk straight. But then I took a shower... and everything was alright after that. That shower felt so good. I think because I haven't taken one in about a week and a half. Maybe two weeks. It's been awhile. But damn it felt good. ANd I'm doing alright now. I'm a little dizzy and my head is eh... and i'm a little shakey. But damn. I remember why I quit drinking. Or at least getting THAT drunk. The last time I was realy shitfaced like that was New Years in Miami a year ago. Fuuuuck. I don't think I've EVER been as drunk as I was that night. Holy hell. Anyway. I'm... I need to do stuff. It's 9:30.... aye.

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