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A Little Venting
04.05.2005 - 1:25 pm

Well I found out my first rough draft for my paper in my COMPUTERS CLASS (yeah, that's right, I said computers and you say "what? a paper?") is due NEXT FUCKING TUESDAY. HE JUST TOLD US TODAY THAT IT'S DUE IN A WEEK. thanks dip shit. I have THREE OTHER PAPERS TO WORK ON! TWO OF THEM ARE TEN PAGE TERM PAPERS YOU SCHMUCK! fucking christ almighty. At least it's a BSable paper and BOY will I BS. I should get started on it now. Holy fuckin shit. I have a Chemistry lab tonight and i need to do my fucking Formal Lab report. Fucking Hell. I never do that. My weekends are shit. Courtney's family turns on the tele as SOON as they get up. Like, NO hesitation. Awake = TV and it's on ALL FUCKING DAY. Let me tell you I DID NOT miss the fucking television the 9 months I was without it. FUCK TV. FUCK IT. IT KILLS BRAINCELLS. I can;t study worth SHIT over there. It's a HASSEL to take the bus to school and sit uncomfortably and COLD in the stupid annoying library and I HATE IT. I JUST WANT TO GET SHIT DONE! And then her fucking DOGS wake me up EvERY GODDAMNED morning AND in the middle of the night AND WHATEVER OTHER TIME THEY THINK THYE HEAR A GODDAMNED MOUSE TWO BLOCKS AWAY. fucking HELL. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm angry. I'm bored. I want summer to be here already. fuck. fuck fuck fuck.

Anyway. I want a class that I can write a ppaper about punk rock, because I was bored in my puter class today and Julian did my work for me. muahahaha. So i was researching my paper topic and I got bored of that so in Questia I punched in "political punk" and i got some good readin. It would be fun to do a paper on the subject and piss the hell outta my teachers. Psh. fuckin dorks.

Oh to add on to the pissed off note: my previous landlord said he's not going to give us our deposit because of dents in the floor and it exceeded our deposit. A FUCKING LIAR and a BITCH. Stupid Filipino fucking rapist shithead mother fucking cocksucker. Gawd. I got bitched at over the phone for like 10 minutes. Stupid piece of shit. GRR.

AND... there was something else but i forgot. Fuck it.

This didn't even mean to be an angry entry, i just got carried on a tangent.


I have never come to terms with the idea that I am 'part of society' and should construct my actions to suit the prevailing moods of conformity, acceptance and achievement. Closed by the rigorous mind training of school and media, the mass mentality of Western culture revolves around upholding the past to attempt to secure the future, whilst suffering the present as beyond its control, 'safe' in the hands of the government who feed the present to the masses as a product of technological/material/industrial progress" (Dick Lucas, Threat By Example, edited by Martin Sprouse, ressure Drop Press, San Fransisco, 1989, 13).

yesterday - tomorrow