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Uhm and one more thing
04.10.2005 - 9:30 am

Oh yeah. I dropped my Computers class because I'm a puss and i can;t handle the paper. But I'm just gonna test out of it next semester (I found out you can do that) and so yeah, I'm not gonna lose any more time taking stupid fucking classes. And next semester they're changing the way the Gen Ed classes are gonna be takin (only a little change) and it makes me really happy because I like the way they're settin it up. Yeaahhh. So... yeah. I'm happy. I can;t wait to register for next semester. So e'citing. Annnd. I'm also hapy because I know what I'm going to write about for my big Humanities paper. And I'm also gonna write about the same thing for the smaller one, just making it 3 pages instead of 10. But yeah. I'm writing about Identity crises. He told us that's what he means by "authenticity" and so yeah... no more confusion for Lauren Town. YEEHAW. =) But my Writing class is still in the shitter. I hope my professora helps me by giving me good feedback when we turn in the proposal Monday. Scheize. I hope I can pull this paper off. crap crap crap.

And uhm. Robbie makes me really happy but I feel bad that I suck at talking on the phone because I feel like I just bore him. Oh well. We'll have fun when we see eachother becuase then I can be my goofy self instead of being all intimidated and self-concious on the tele. I noticed I use the word "tele" (tell-ee) for 'television' and 'telephone.' Damn Brits.

Ok well I believe that is all for now. Now I need to Listerine.

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