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Happy 200th Entry
04.14.2005 - 7:00 pm

This is my 200th entry. Hooray! And two years. That's 100 entries a year. I need to write more. That's less than a third of the time. I'm missing a vital two-thirds of my life and I might get amnesia one day and WHAT WILL BECOME OF ME?! Well I could meet Adam Sandler and he'll want to marry me and remind me of our life every day. Ok, maybe I just got that from a movie.

Anyway. I just got out of my calculus class and I know I said i had given up before, but tonght it's really official. I got my midterm back and I got 64% on it. BITCH. There was one problem too that I don;t even know why she docked me on it. I think she just needs to go back to Japan. But I'm still gonna go to class... well most of the time and I'm still gonna take the quizzes and the final. But I probably won't put in any more time than... minimal. And I'll get a...I think I could pull off a D... maybe a D+ but well... no probably a D-. Anyway. I'll take it again next semester, get a B+ and be happy. WHATEV. I love my school. Oh today we had an evaluation too. 'Nother reason why I like my school. We evaluate the classes and the teachers for each class we take each semester and we let out all our beef. I wrote a fucking novel for this Calculus class. But keep in mind I am professional and not just a whiney baby. I didn't write a whole bunch of tears, I wrote constructive criticism. Because I have serious issues with her teaching. If it was just because I'm a lazy asshole and didn't do any work and didn't try, then I wouldn;t complain because whatever it's my own damn fault. But her teaching methods are very unrealistic and really fuckin off. And I consulted with others to make sure I wasn't the only one who thought shit was off the wall in that class. So eat it.

Other than that, this semester is going fine. I feel confident about my papers. I even calculated my grade for my Writing class if I got (a) an average B on the final paper, (b) a high C, low B on the paper, and (c) if I got a low C on the paper and I am in the clear. I will pull a B in the class no matter what. So psh. Whatev. And i'm confident about my other classes as well. I feel very happy.

Today I got excited about California again. I need to make a list of shit to do this summer:

-Six Flags
-Water Park
-San Diego - seperate trips to visit: Rachel and Mike
-Zoo and/or Wild Animal Park
-other various beach trips
-Warped Tour
-take Vanessa ghost hunting
-take John and his friends to the Rocks
-visit high school and also AVHS graduation
-Renaissance Faire last weekend
-see Josh, Jamie and baby Lyla
-visit Pumba
-make Aaron let me use his tattoo gun
-Dr. Strange

I'm pretty sure that's all I really should remember. There's stuff not on the list but is....well DUH. I don;t have to list it to remember. I actually put like 2 things on there that are DUH stuff... but I felt like listing it anyway cuz it's big.
Uhmmmmm. yeah. That is all.

Ta ta

yesterday - tomorrow