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Big Update: moving Dawn and other craziness
07.21.2005 - 6:51 pm

Ok where the fuck to begin? Ok, let's see. Justin gave me some money ($750) and I decided to do some errands and shit. Dawn calls. Says she's in the hospital but doesn;t tell me why, what for, whatever, right? Asks if I could come down the next day to help her move. No problem.

She calls the next day, around 11am, I go down and pick her up in Ocean Beach at Josh's. We go to Sub Palace, grab a bite, go to her house and move everything into my car.

Go to Austin, A-Ron, Omar, and Jared's to say bye. Well we thought we were just gonna have a beer or two until traffic went down. Then we started playing drinking games and decided to stay the night and get fucked up. Me and Dawn play with cards, Austin and Aaron play Wheel of Fortune. We get more beer. We drink together playing a bullshit-type game. We're feelin good. We want to get more beer, so me and Austin go. Me and Dawn split a 12 pack, Aaron and Austin split one. By the time we got back, Dawn doesn't look happy and wants to leave. I'm so good to go for driving, so I say ok, then let's go. I kinda wanted to go because I wanted to hang out with Justin Richards, who never fuckin called me, but whatever.

We get close to San Bernardino and it's about 11:30 pm so I called Marjhani to see if she was awake (duh). So Dawn's drinkin the whole way up and she's feelin pretty drunk. We stop by. We stayed longer than expected but it was awesome (it always is). I was happy Dawn and Marjhani and Kelly could meet since they all play an important role in my life right now. Dawn loved them and thought it was great that I hang out with them all the time. I could tell they really liked Dawn too. Dawn was sad about what Kyle said that night too, and we got her to cheer up which was fucking great because there's a lot of times where I'm not successful in cheering her up. I wish I was better at that.

SO about 1:30 am we leave and get up the hill around 2am, go to Elsworth, say hello. Then we went to Hopland and hung out for2 hours listening to music. I got sentimental listening to Dido because all the lyrics reminded me of Billy. Well I was having a good time none the less. I love Dawn, I love music, and that was such a cool thing to do, just sit in the middle of the desert, chillin to some music, drinkin some beers. Good times. We finished that 12 pack like no other.

So 4am, we go backto my house and pass out. Wake up, it's hot. Dawn wakes and I take her to her mom's to finally unload everything. The T.V. was too big, so I was to come bck when Emerson was there. Went home, took my dad to get his truck fixed. Went back to Dawn's and went swimmin a bit. Called Lyle, called whoever else. I forget. Was this last night? I don't fucking remember, I think so. We ended up going over to see Pifer but he was gone. We call Lee, he was at a party for someone's birthday. Oh and we met up with PHILLIP! It was great. Phillip looks great. Not all twacked out. It was awesome. So we go to Park View to swing but people are there. Lee calls, gives us directions.

Show up to the house and I had partied there before. Last time with Jose and Pifer. We're there for a bit and sure 'nuf, Jose and Adam show up and it was awesome. I throw back a few beers. I'm feelin pretty good. Pifer calls, I give him directions. I'm happy as fucking hell and feeling very friendly and slightly nastalgic (with Bryan).

Uhm, blah blah blah, get really drunk. Blah blah, decide to leave. Oh yeah, there was this fine girl there named Amber that I immediately got a crush on. Jose ended up getting her number and he KNEW I was after her. Fucker. Called just to brag about that. Beeyatch. I'll get her first, WATCH ME!

SO we leave: me, Phillip, Dawn in my car, And Pifer goes home, oh yeah. So me Dawn and Phillip took a grip of beer (two for each of us). Go to Park View. Swing on the swings. I was so fucking happy I started giggling and laughing so hard for like 10 minutes straight I just could NOT get over that shit. It was so awesome. So then Pifer calls and comes over.

One time pifer spray painted "Bryan loves Lauren" on the side of a wall at park view. Just a memory...

So i wandered and saw old shit (it's my old elementary for Christ's sake, ok?)

Phillip wanted to get something out of my car and couldn;t open my door, so I jumped the fence (shitfaced) and we get it open. I think we were looking for the last beer and couldn;t find it. There were some kids over a ways, so I walked over and asked if they had a beer to spare. DIdn;t, but me and Phlipper stayed there talking with them anyway. We had the best time hangin out with them. It was fun. So it's 3am and we decide to take it to my back yard.

Pifer thinks he can race me to my house. I went so fast, we went over a dip and got MAD air. In my little camry. HAHA, it was awesome. We got there minutes before that bastard (claimed to have taken a wrong turn. yeah sure). We hung out for a little, realized it sucked (lot's changed). Pifer take Phillip to his house to get his car (he parked it right in front of Bryan's place).

Get a call, I'm falling asleep, I guess Pifer got pulled over and the cop wouldn't let them drive home. Me and Dawn leave my house and when we get to El Evado, a cop is ON our ass. Mind you I am pretty FUCKING wasted. My heart dropped, me and Dawn thought we were fucked -- goin to jail. That's it. I turn right down the next street, tryin to think fast; should I pull into a house? Should I go to my friend's nearby? Keep going? Cop follows and follows, I'm abiding by the law, next thing you know, he flips a bitch and is gone. Me and Dawn laughed so hard and loud, you could hear it three blocks away. We go to the gas station they're at and tell them what;s up. Get in my car. Take them home. Fun night.

Today I was the most hungover I think I've ever been minus New Years in Miami, ok? I drank 8 beers of HEADACHE beer: Budweiser and Bud Light. FUCK. I feel nauseas and SHITTY all day long. Mary text me and asked to go wedding gown shopping. Fucking cool. I said I'd be honored. Yeah, she meant THAT day. I didn't know. After I told her yes, I set the phone down and layed in my dad's bed trying to get cool and not throw up all over the place. I hear it ring a bunch, but I'm feeling fucked up. She comes over right when I fall asleep and pulls the pillow up off my head. OH THE BRIGHTNESS! She says let's go, I tell her I'm gonna puke. She left. I fell asleep.

I finally get up. Jose calls. I'm looking frantically for my bag while I'm talking to him. I tell him I mighta left it at Joe's or Park View. Got $300 in there. WELL SHIT. I drove all the way to Park View (a whole 4 blocks) to see if I could find it. "Yeah hi, I snuck in your elementary school last night to get verschnicked, and I might have left a black bag here, have you seen it?" Not there. Well shit. I'm too hungover to give a shit. Headache, nausea. Fuck off.

I look all over the house more, in my car. Dawn must have gotten annoyed because I was mad tweaker status looking for my shit. Finally I stand there (off the phone with Jose by now, he had been on the whole time I went to Park View and back) and i think to myself "we hung out in the backyard a lot." Sure 'nuf. I call Jose and I tel lhim what happened. He laughs his ass off at me. Little bitch. I was laughing too. I was happy.

Mary comes over. She hadn't left yet like i thought, so I DID get to go with her shopping. First we dropped Dawn off to work with her dad in the middle of fucking nowhere by Bell Mtn. I saw her dad for the first time in 4 years. He recognized me after a minute. It was nutz. Weird. Me and Dawn jumped on the trampoline. I felt sick again. Me and MAry left.

Went down the hill to Ontario and Monclaire. found nothing. Went back up the hill, and got EvERYTHING at David's Bridal for under $800. DAMN good deal for EVERYTHING. Fuckin hell.

The dress is perfect for Mary, she's fucking beautiful. It's 10pm and I still feel hungover. BLEH. I'm happy though.

yesterday - tomorrow