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Last day in California, First day(s) in Hawaii
08.20.2005 - 10:14 am

Went to Six Flags on Wednesday with my dad, Julie, and Nancy. We had a lot of fun and got to ride cool roller coasters. Made me pretty happy. But all I could really think about was going home and hanging out with Greg. Nancy saw it too. She'd nudge me every time she saw me smiling randomly. So after the ride X, it was about 11pm when we got on the road and about 12:30am when I got home. I changed real quick and called Greg.

Spent the night and the next morning I really wanted to get up at 7 and leave right away.... but it just wasn't happening. I think it was like 9:30 by the time I left. The best part was walking out into the living room and seeing Randy's face when he saw who it was walking out of the hallway. Me and Greg got a good laugh out of it. Trying to take advantage of whatever time I could, we smoked a cigarette and finally I pulled myself away long enough to get home and pack and visit a million people before noon. I think we ended up leaving at 1:30 to get to San Bernardino to see Marjhani and Kelly. We got to spend a good half hour there and then headed off to the airport.

The plane ride was fine. I watched Monster In Law. I wrote in my journal. I wrote a few peoplw letters. I listened to some FUGAZI and some Flaming Lips. The last 10 minutes of the ride there was so much fucking turbulance, I was actually a little nervous. I NEVER get nervous on planes. But I swear we dropped straight down about 10 feet. Maybe not 10 feet, that's a lot. I just know my stomach went to my throat (like a roller coaster) and everyone in the plane yelped. I was smiling real big and yelled out 'YES!' and people either shot me an angry look or gave a nervous chuckle. And then it was REALLY bumpy the rest of the way. And the shittiest part was that I was in the one seat where I couldn't see out of ANY window. I was very sad about that. And plus, because I couldn't see, I had no idea when we were to land, so all the sudden BOOM we hit the ground, and I jumped cuz I had no idea what was going on. Karma sucks.

So Nick and Wes picked me up and I was really happy to see them. We put my shit in Wes's place and then went out to chill until 3am .... which was SIX am California time. Yes I was very tired considering I didn't sleep at all on the plane and got about 2 hours sleep the night before. So I slept all fucking day yesterday. Got my ass up at 3pm and went on an adventure downtown. Should have done shit yesterday because today everything is closed. Gawd! weekends! GRR!

Today I might go see Courtney and get my stuff. Or I might wait till next weekend. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I'm lost. Whatever.

So it feels semi weird hanging around Wes. Liiike, I left Hawaii with "unfinished business" and seriously did not want to go back to Cali because of how much fun I was having. THEN being in California, and this unexpected developement with Greg.... now I feel I have unfinished business there. And I have no idea how Greg feels. It seems like he likes me but I know so little about him, I could very well be just another girl on the line. So I'm not sure how much to risk. And I like Wes, but... I'm just not feelin it right now because I had JUST been with Greg, so everything's weird and I know Wes must be confused that I'm giving him so little attention. RAA! Why can't I just know what's going on? My ego is way too huge to ask too. But it'd be nice to know how Greg feels. It'd also be really fuckin bitchin if he came out here to see me. Hmm. I hate the phone, so I don't want to call him... buuut I kinda miss him so I wanna talk to him. Jesus Christ, I'm such a stupid broad. Ok, daily contemplation OVER! I'm out. Time to upload some peectures. ^__^

yesterday - tomorrow