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So much for birthdays
08.31.2005 - 11:50 am

So yesterday a total of 3 people said Happy Birthday to me. Thank you Terri, Nick, and my mom. Today I got a Happy belated Birthday from Mike. But yeah. Oh yeah, and I got a cookie from Jeff. Nick kept telling people it was my birthday (well like 2 people) but that doesn't actually count. It was nice because I really didn't feel like it was my birthday. It felt like just another day. I like that.

I'm hoping I gte some birthday money to help me with my Wasted Tickets because my mom is being weird about it. Yeah she just bought me a camera, but that's seriously the only thing she's done for me in the past 5 years. Never paid child support and gave me like 20 bucks every birthday or xmas. oooh wowwww. A whole 20 bucks. Better than nothing I guess. Anyway, I feel justified in being pissed off if she doesn't help me pay for a plane ticket, but whatever. Karma. I need to stop talking shit.

I finished Dharma Punx yesterday and it was so appropriate because the book ends with him talking about his birthday. It was such a good book and will definitely help inspire me the rest of my life when confused about my path on punk rock and Buddhism. I hope to one day attend his meditation class. I hope to one day travel to India, Thailand and other far east places of interest (uhm all). I hope to figure my life out enough to know what I want to spend it doing. I hope to get the balls to write Noah a letter. I hope for a lot, but I guess the important thing is to be in the present moment. So I'm going to work on that today.

In about five hours I get to see an apartment and I'm crossing my fingers that it's "the one." I'm so far from picky now, I could seriously set up camp in a gutter and I would be happy. Just 4 months and then I'm out of here. I'm excited but I know when the time comes, I will be very sad to leave.

Today I was on the bus and I met this veteran in his 40's who was homeless. He used to live in Minnasota (sp?) and one day he came here for an intended 30 day vacation and ended up liking it so much he stayed. He says he works odd jobs and makes about $50 a day but doesn't want to live in a place other than the beach because he's so happy there. I was inspired. If I wasn't going to school, I think I'd like totry living on the beach for an extended period of time. Just worry about getting to work and a shower every now and then. That would be pretty cool. But this guy kinda seemed like a deadbeat dad. Somewhat justified, but deadbeat nonetheless. One of his sons won't talk to him because he's mad his dad left. He has 3 other kids, one 20 years old. Two ex wives, both of which cheated on him. So he said fuck cold weather and fuck relationships. Just has a cell phone to call his kids every day and a wallet full of money and sleeps on the beach. Pretty cool. I don't know how much of it was true or if he's just some crazy asshole, but i thought he was cool.

Nothing planned on this day except to mail my cousin her T-Shirt and a letter and get something to eat and kill time on the computer until I get to see this apartment.

Cross your fingers.

yesterday - tomorrow