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It's Official
09.29.2005 - 10:27 am

I'm at work right now. I'm in a very good mood. People have been nice to me today and tips aren't as bad. Just making a sandwich for Mr. Picky, Tony. He makes me laugh.

I think my favorite is the guy that comes in all the time and orders a breakfast sandwich and OJ to go. I just look at him and say "the usual?" and sometimes I just wait for him to say it because I think he likes that he has a "the usual." He came in with a friend today and we were talking about UH and HPU. He goes to UH and his friend goes to HPU. I told them I went to HPU too and I hate it and I'm moving to Santa Cruz. We were all laughing and bullshitting about stuff. Nice guys. =)

Well yesterday while I was waiting for my Bio Lab to start, I called Panda Travel and OFFICIALLY changed my dates. So I am now REALLY going to California from November 11th - 14th and I GET TO SEE ROBBIE!! I'm so excited! HAPPY! WOO!

So yeah, that's mostly what I wanted to write about. la la la.

I had a Bio test on Tuesday and I can't wait to see how I did. I have a huge lab report due soon. BLAH. Annnd Geography test yesterday, Map quiz tomorrow. School is crazy.

I can't wait to go to california.


yesterday - tomorrow