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99 Luft Ballons and Selling Out
10.11.2005 - 8:36 am

I didn't think it was really going to happen, but Mike drove me to my storage bin yesterday and i got some stuff out. i felt kind of rushed though, so i want to go back and look for some more shit (mainly my gypsy clothes). But I got the majority of my stuff I needed out and I got to get rid of a microwave that Mike wanted. yes! I wish I had a truck just so i could get most of that stuff out and TOSS it. Fucking stupid Billy and Justin putting all their crap in there. FUCK. Anyway. I am very happy because now I have my shit. And Mike is still going to give me that Futon mattress, so that makes me happier.

LAST NIGHT, Mike, Nick, Seth, Aaron, Kalie, Adam annnnd other people including myself all got to go to Reel Big Fish and Goldfinger fo free. Seth I guess did drugs with oneof the bands and got on the guest list with a +10. I wasn't gonna go because I didn't have money, but shit son, free ticky and I'm there. I had a lot of fun pitting to Goldfinger with Nick and Aaron but after that, I was tired and then in the middle of Reel Big Fish's set, I just got bored. I had to wake up early today anyway, so I just left early and walked home. It's nice living closer to the venue. So I was beat and sooo happy to have nice blankets and a huge body pillow to curl up in and I slept really well last night. =)

Now I'm at work and still pretty tired and slightly sore... but content. Except I really don't want to go to class today or do my Bio Lab, but alas...

yesterday - tomorrow