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Faire at Night
06.04.2006 - 8:48 am

Decided to go to the renaissance faire in corona yesterday. It was one of the days that it stays open until 9pm.

I got there around noon. I began walking around to find the Baron stage to see Sound and Fury and I thought it was the one by the jousting arena, but there was no sign, so I kept walking around. Their perma-site is real kickass. Very small, but a great atmosphere. I enjoyed the drive to get there too.

But anyway, I happen upon the lore stage and see the last bit of Thomas Wood, whom I had planned on seeing his pyrojuggling later in the day. Something about him was familiar, and he even asked me as he was getting off stage if he knew me. But I have no idea where I'd know him from. But something about his presence and his voice...

So then some gypsy magicians came on. They were okay, but not so gypsy... and not as entertaining. There was a guy though, one of the main gypsy guy's minions, and his name was Loki, and he reminded me of Zak sooooo friggin much. It was interesting. Attitude, body, appeal. So I ended up being one of the volunteers for this show and Loki took to me quite well. I would see him throughout the day and we'd casually flirt (I was his 6th wife).

So after that I began to browse the shops and I ended up finding a LOT of REALLY cool shit for REALLY cheap (as compared to the Southern faire). So uh yeah, anytime I want Ren Faire shit, I'm going there. I want to go back next weekend now and do a little more shopping. Belt. Knife. Oh and that silverware thing I saw too.

Then I walked over to the other side (where the jousting arena was) and sure 'nuf I saw Sound and Fury doin their bit. I got there, just as they were getting off stage and Phil stood on chair with his tipbag. So I briefly reminded him of myself (poor guy, I change my appearance way too much for anyone's good). So we began talking and lo and behold, we began talking about astrophysics and spirituality and comedy and all things awesome to talk about. It turns out Phil is another person who I can relate to on a level that I thouroughly enjoy. I'm realizing that this Astrophyisics just fits me more and more. The more I meet awesome people who can have valid conversations with me about quazars, the more content I feel about majoring in this. So then Phil realized he had another show, and went on to perform Testicles and Ye Sac of Rome, and I had to watch, because I love them. And then we went to some barista place and had some curry and bread and Phil got me some bottles of water which I direly needed. And we talked more about humans and Stephan Hawking and black holes and string theory and nature and Richard and Shelby, and a whole bunch of other stuff that made me wish I could be more articulate when I'm excited to be talking with someone so great. And then he had to rush off for one more show, Romeo and Juliet version 2.0.


Afterward, he said he and the guys had to pack up real quick and go to L.A. for another show. So we said our goodbyes and by this time it was around 5ish I think. I planned on staying until night to see what it was like but I was starting to think I couldn't do 4 more hours being by myself and pretty bored with the faire being so small. But then I hit myself, because what was the fuckin point of going that day if not to see what it was like at night and when would i have another chance to do this? So I decided it would be a good time to actually shop. So I was deciding between a couple things for Steve, and what I decided to get him I'm not going to say in case he reads this. It's awesome though and I'm considering going back for one myself. But I got myself something pretty cool too. And I think when I go back next weekend I'm going to get Robbie a knife.

SO I was done shopping and it was about 6:45 pm and I went back to the Baron stage just to sit and watch people and stuff. Then I remembered the pyrojuggling was to be on that stage so I thought I'd sit and wait for that. Around 7pm he comes to hang out before he has to begin the show, and people are goofing off with him and I just watch. Around 7:30 he begins his show. It's still a little light outside and he does some juggling with crystal balls (as seen on Labyrinth):

And just how Jareth in Labrynth did that contact juggling, Thomas Wood did the same thing and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I didn't even clap or hollar because I was so amazed I just sat there with my jaw agape.

And THEN it got darker so the pyro part started! No words to explain, just pictures:

It was great.

So it was about 8:30 and I thought, yanno, I'm going to go home, but I took my time walking, and it was weird because all the sudden I had a weird feeling like I've been there before YEARS ago. I know it's not possible, but walking around, looking at everything, hearing the people around me, I felt like a ghost observing the living world. But I swear I've been there before. My head started spinning trying to contemplate the situation. It was weird. And beautiful. And I wish more faires had days where they were open until late. It was so amazing.

I had a good day. I want to pick Steve's brain more about SCA and find out if it's anything like the day I had as far as afterhours go and doing shit at night. I thought Steve was saying something about being in character all the time. I think that would be awesome. Because being at the faire last night made me forget I was in the 21st century for a minute. Walking by people sitting around a fire and playing instruments and singing and dancing. And even all the shops felt very Renaissance. It didn't feel like a big touristy thing like the Southern faire. It felt like it was for people who really enjoyed what a renaissance faire should be like. I hardly saw anyone NOT in costume. It was pretty cool. I wish it would grow and more people would come because it deserves to get bigger.

And the cool thing too, it was all based around German. Koronaburg is its official name and everywhere people say "Guten Tag" and "Aufwiedersehen" and shit like that. The street names are in German and I saw posters all around saying "Glucklich Geburtstag Herr Baron" and that means Happy Birthday basically. Every weekend has a theme there and this weekend was celebrating the Baron's birthday or something. But the fact that it was all German based just made me love it that much more. Prettttty sweet.

yesterday - tomorrow