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Life Is A Beach
08.23.2006 - 10:18 pm

Ah the beach. Yes, I went to the beach. Not my style. But I had a lot of fun. Today was awkward. I now realize how petty I was. But by 1pm, I was pretty much back to normal and having a good time. Me and Robbie went to the beach woth Vargas and Nate (for some reason, I can't manage to call Garret by his first name. No. Vargas). Nate had two kids with him. They were cute (but aunry) boys. He also brought skim boards. And now I have scabby knees.

I got a little crispy too. For some reason, I like being sunburnt. Not real bad, but a slight burn so that it's slightly uncomfortable when you're wearing clothes. When cold water hits you and it feels so good. When your skin is really sensitive. I just like it. And one of my legs is especially feeling that way since I decided to skid across the sand when I took a digger off the skim board. It's okay.

Later, we went to Brandi's place to have dinner. It felt good to meet her. I like her a lot. I like her attitude and personality. And her cheeriness. I liked hugging her.

Is it wrong or stupid to feel jealousy over past events that you [obviously] have no control over? I feel ridiculous at times because that's the only area I have trouble with. The past. Hmm. I need to read more Buddhist things.

So yeah. It was nice. On the way home, I just felt really awesome. I feel so greatful every day that I'm alive. I think I'm falling. I think I've fallen. I'm still not ready to admit it. But today was an excellent day. I feel a lot more comfortable and I've learned [a lot] more about myself to help me in the future with some issues I have that I've needed to work on. This makes me happy.

yesterday - tomorrow