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End of Term
06.01.2007 - 8:49 pm

I haven't written in forever. I'm horrible.

What has been going on? Me and Robbie are doing great. He's been a little short with me lately, but we all know i'm a ditz, so it's understandable.

Went to another tattoo party hosted by Marie and Kelly, also known as Marjhani and Hamzah. It was really fun. I am truly in love with Lauraine, she is the best thing ever. Love love love!

Dino was a gimp, so only Lauraine tattooed. I had planned on getting a head piece, an anti flag star (with the rifles) on my elbow and some stuff on my fingers. Instead of any of that, I got my meditating woman on my upper arm. Woo! I thought I lost that picture, but Lauraine had a copy from when she scanned it the last time.

It was probably the most uncomfortable tattoo I've gotten. Not because it was painful, but because I was sick. The pain was mediocre, which I didn't expect. I thought it would feel just as good as my forearm, but during her hair and the sun, I was not very happy. I think a lot of it had to do with my cold. And towards the end I had to stop her twice because I needed to puke. I've never gotten slightly nauseaus before, so again, I blame my cold.

And I was disappointed with myself since I like getting two at a time, but the next day, I just really didn't feel like gettin cut with a needle.

Me and Robbie hung out most of Sunday -- we saw Disturbia, which was pretty cool. But I was sad because he seemed pretty blah all weekend. I now know how he feels when I get random like that. I really didn't liek seeing him that way. I tried giving him extra attention and cheerin him up, but it wouldn't last long before he was kind of mopey again. I say kind of, because it's not a depression. He didn't seem sad per se, just... blah. Where you just don't feel like doing anything or being anywhere. I sympathized.

So then upon getting back from the party, I had to study for my calc final. I didn't study nearly as well as I wanted to, but I tried putting out the effort best I could. Yesterday I was at school from 8:30 am and studied until class started at 6:50 pm. The last 6 hours I accomplished absolutely nothing.

However, taking the test, I felt alright about it. I think there were 2 areas (parts of problems) that had I paid attention to more like I planned to (specific sections I KNEW I needed to study) I cou;d have done better. But overall, I feel good about it. So... no more stress there. I am a little stressed about my physics though. I think I need to study for this one. I should try and get a good grade since I pretty much bombed the last test. I don't need to stress too much, but enough so that I don't completely slack -- just review shit.

That final is June 4th, monday. And then tuesday is my last day of work and then I'm dropping by the zoo right before it closes to shop for my cousins and for Stephanie and Billy.

I'm excited to move in with Marjhani and Hamzah. Where I can make a solid transition into MILLA -- and by Jove, I'm going to make everyone at my new job call me that! I AM MILLA!


I can't wait to be around Robbie more and go to more shows (if money allows) and see my family more up the hill and go to clubs and hang otu with Marie and Kelly ALLLLLL the freakin time! This summer will be really rad!

I wish I could have stayed in Sandy Eggo or at least Oceanside and continue school here, but man it would be like Hawaii, just way too stressful.

Overall I feel really good about life right now. I feel like I'm in a pretty good position. I'm going to ask my grandma to help me out a little bit so that she's happier that I asked. And I'm going to get the courage to ask my mom to take me clothes shopping. Then hopefully I'll find a good job and things will be more secure for me until Dad graduates.

Also, I'm going to apply to UCSC next month in July, and I'm excited -- I really hope I can get in for the Winter quarter.

Yeah, things are good. Happiness all around. =)

yesterday - tomorrow